Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sam uses his words.

One day he is such a baby speaking gibberish the next he's a toddler warning you he is about to stab you in the eye with his dirty finger.
Just today he had been a talking phenomenon.
He has said: Eye, nose, tank you, air (hair, I guess the h is silent), hi, bye(he was very polite while talking on the marker), cose (clothes), shoe , sock, nana (banana), mote(remote), box, down, up, wook (look). He is speaking in sentences, Just most of the words are gibberish. We really have to listen to find a recognizable word, so we can participate in the conversation.
He also recently destroyed my property. Somehow the bathroom door didn't latch properly and he put everything he could reach into the toilet. He is very active and keeps me on my feet. He doesn't seem to understand "gentle" as headbutts me with love. Being a mom of a manly boy is interesting and fun (he lets me cuddle with him more than Miss B). I am so glad we have him...but that might just be the brain damage speaking.
On the Miss B front, She is at this moment attempting to set fire to plastic clothes hangers by rubbing two doll shoes together...I am not worried, yet.
GOD bless,


MIL said...

Isn't that just how it happens? One day no telling what they might be saying...the next, you can actually pick out real words. What a blessing, for us and for them, to be able to communicate. Pat was little and wanting to participate in the conversation sooooo badle. I finally figured out that he was sticking a couple of extra sounds into most words, and when you took them out, it was understandable. I very clearly remember we were driving down the road and he said "Conoco...hotest brand going". He liked the commercials better than the program. I know he had said that many times and we just finally caught on.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for subscribing to my blog! My best regards to you and your family this holiday season :)