Monday, January 17, 2011

Lots of cleanup

Over the weekend, we cleaned a lot of stuff out of our storage unit, in an effort to (A) get rid of a lot of stuff (which we did), and (B) condense it down so we can move into a smaller unit (we've condensed, but not moved into smaller unit yet). This has been part of the plan since we moved, but it got accelerated recently due to other family issues.

We've still got lots to go, but we're working diligently on continued simplification of our lives. Never realized how much junk we actually owned. The trash has seen a large increase in use lately, though, and Goodwill knows me when I pull up to the loading dock to make more donations.

More as it happens, and I'm going to try to blog a bit more now that school's out (for the moment; more on that in another post, though).

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