Sunday, July 23, 2006

Some more Brontë 7-month birthday pics

     You know, I'm actually working on a blog entry that has, like, words in it and stuff. However, it's coming along slowly and I'm not going to rush it (since rushing it would give me a headache). Instead, I'll post a few more pics from my daughter's 7-month birthday. We'll see how the rest goes later.

07/07/2006 - This whole "outdoor" thing is pretty cool! Posted by Picasa

07/07/2006 - Mommy's helping me stop and smell the roses. Posted by Picasa

07/07/2006 - Standing on my own two feet...wait just a minute! I'm not good at this part yet! Posted by Picasa

07/07/2006 - Mommy's not wild about this one, but Daddy likes the look of it with the two of us against the sky. Posted by Picasa

07/07/2006 - Me and my Mommy! Posted by Picasa

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