Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Star Trek RPG Announcement 08/09/2006

     This announcement is appearing on my blog,,, and Decipher's forums.
     The PDF version of the Star Trek RPG Player's Guide is being turned over to DriveThru RPG for posting at the end of the month. As soon as I have information on pricing and a more precise release date (it hadn't been quite nailed down as of my last conversation with Scott), I will post another update.
     This weekend, once I've finished my final tweaks to the manuscript, I will be sending out the Player's Guide Enterprise Update to the volunteer team for final vetting before turning it in for layout. No clue when it will be ready after that; again, as I get more information I'll relay it to you.
     I don't have any news on the Lord of the Rings RPG core book, and I don't expect anything resembling news on that front until after this weekend and the end of GenCon. I also don't know when I'll be starting work on the Star Trek RPG Narrator's Guide.
     Thank you for your kind support.

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